game summary for 2015, January 9

The Firewall team continued its assault on the Void Maiden. We tossed some smoke grenades into the cargo hold, then entered through the airlock, starting a firefight with four biomorphs within. The Herpderp trio, sleeved into hijacked synths, rushed ahead into the engine room, encountering a case morph, along with a an exotic biomorph whose head was covered in eyes. The Xerox clones entered the cargo hold with shields out to provide cover for allies. Kimiko and Huey Lewis began shooting up the enemy biomorphs.

The engine, meanwhile, continued to overheat. The Herpderps were able to activate all the appliances within the ship, turning them to the max, drawing enough power from the plant to engage emergency shutdown. Over the course of the next minute, we were able to take out the remaining hostile crew, except for the one who had locked themself in the armoury. We were now faced with a barrage of mesh questions from nervous people within the fleet, along with a (almost) cleared ship full of dangerous exurgent artifacts.

Derpina fielded the questions from the fleet people, while we invited the AGI janitor, Janitor, over to clean up the mess within the ship.

At this point, the person in the armoury broke through by shooting through the wall, and launching themself at the Magical Realm We alerted that ship, however, that the approaching person was infected--so some people from the Realm were able to gun down the infected person while they were still free floating between the ships.

With the situation resolved, what will happen is that the crew will be able to be resleeved from clean backups, and that the Void Maiden will be able to be re-crewed.

At the end of this adventure, each player received:

+ ~1 day post-start

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