game summary for 2015, August 20

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generally important info
(possible) major NPC
minor/incidental NPC

On Shackle, in Luna, after experiencing an XP memorial to the Fall, the party (consisting of Azif, Joe, August Fury, Grace Dawo, Rupak Crane, Crow) awaited a contact who would lead them to a job offer. We were prompted to donate to the reclaimer cause, and some of us offered up some funds, including August, who donated a large amount on behalf of her lost husband, Maximillian Roger Fury. After awhile, the contact, a person sleeved into a female, east Asian splicer came by--identifiable by a tattoo on her face, only visible under certain parts of the electromagentic spectrum.

She led us to "Monsoon", an Asian fusion restaurant, noted on social networks for okay food, but sketchy clientel. Within Moonsoon's karaoke bar/privacy room we sat, and waited a bit longer for two other parties to arrive: Mr. Chan (wearing a nice suit), and Mr. Wang (big bodyguard type), representatives of an unnamed corp; and "La Muerte Roja" (sleeved into a bruiser) with an unnamed ruster, representatives of the local Night Cartel.

Mr. Chan briefed us on the situation: at a facility, there had been recent problems. Information, e.g. shipping times, had been leaked. There were suspcisions of internal sabotage of machinery as well. Also, it seemed that the company's marketing/memetic engineering had been tamped with. Chan did not wish to use the company's internal affairs, in case that department had been compromised, so he desired to use us as third party deniable assets. We were to impersonate offsite company QA (that is, we were to pretend to be the "two Bobs" from Office Space ("efficiency experts" who would suggest people to fire)), be transported to the site, then find and plug the leak.

For this job, the six party members are to recieve 50,000 credits, of which we recieved 10,000 up-front. Chan explained that there would be transportation provided to the site as soon as we were ready to depart. With that, we went our separate ways for the rest of the evening. A few of us attempted to acquire gear, including Joe, who was able to pick up a plasma gun (which, unfortunately, was a museum piece that was not as efficient in dispersing heat as modern plasma guns).

The next morning, we were all ready to depart. We met up at our transporation: a moon bus with high-thrust rockets, and no visible livery or other indications as to which organization it belonged to. It was piloted by "Gemma," an avian uplift presently sleeved into a chickcharnie morph. Gemma seemed be delighted by tormenting the biomorphs by pulling high-G manuevers--all of our biological party members ended up passed out for the majority of the three hour trip. Those who remained conscious made small talk with Gemma (they had formerly been a military pilot), with attempts to probe at "business" talk--Gemma was pretty tight-beaked about revealing any important details, but did mention that one recent passenger stood out: about four or five months ago, an new admin, "Rajesh" had attempted to get into the cockpit, and Gemma had had to tell him off.

After the gut-wrenching flight, we arrived at the facility, "Angels One Industrial Park". Much of the information about the factory was hidden: for instance, we had no idea where on Luna it actually was. Although the factory was under the purview of "Angel Incorporated", that particular corporation was the subsidiary of a hypercorp; the identity of said hypercorp also being hidden. Finally, the entire complex was isolated from the rest of the mesh--non-vital news only came in and out in (presumably censored) data bursts on the time frame of once every few months.


(scale: entire facility about 2km long, so each square approx 50 meters side-by-side)

Upon entering the facility, security did a precursory scan and search of the party. The guards detected a signal emitating from Joe's plasma gun, but fortunately Azif was able to explain away the signal as being due to an embarrassing medical situation. A few of the others were also packing weapons, but all of the rest of them were legal enough to carry around. Finally, the guards also noted that one of us had some drugs, but the guard's response was, "I understand completely". That is, it was not unusual, completely expected, perfectly permissible that top men need a top up long before the happy hour.

Now in the facility proper, we split up to multitask.

Grace went to her guest room (we decided to each get individual quarters, instead of a group suite). It was fairly spacious (particularly relative to her low-class coffin apartment), with a living room, full kitchen with a nice food maker, and separate bedroom with a queen-sized bed. She began to passively explore (that is, not hack into) the network topology, and found that the network for R&D and the network for admin were both airgapped from the rest of the facility. She also tried to do some research on admin Rajesh, but was not able to find anything initially.

Azif began to interview administrative personnel. He met with the security chief, Mr. Williams. Mr. Williams assumed the party was there to consider people for downsizing, so Azif played along with that assumption--Azif requested a pyschological dossier on people who were hurting the "esprit d'corp". Williams informed Azif that psych dossiers could be obtained from admin/HR. Azif chatted with Williams a bit longer, discovering that there had been about five or six recent industrial accidents, including one where someone was "terminated" in shipping and processing.

+~36 hours post-start

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