-2:23:00: Hugin and Muninn are uplifted
-1:16:00: Tiny Tao loots the Paaliaq facility
+0:00:00: party enters sword-and-sorcery simulspace, makes contact with Mr. Fritz
+~0:01:00: party, aboard the Red Star and Ingenious Gentleman, make burn for Paaliaq
+~0:08:00: party arrives at Paaliaq
+~0:09:00: party departs for Dione
+~0:12:00: party arrives at Dione, grabs loot from Tiny Tao
+~0:16:00: party returns to Paaliaq, returns loot, grabs Hugin and Muninn along with their defense platform
+~1:00:00: party returns to Phelan's, gets reward from Mr. Fritz