Name: Kimiko

Alias: Skinchanger

Age: 57

Gender ID: female

present morph: Masked, human-sized mimic


Born into a family of original scum drifters, she developed a talent for diguises and impersonation at a young age. Growing up, her body ended up being commonly sculpted to fit current scum trends in an attempt by her family to be fashionable, leaving her with no knowledge of what her birth face was ever supposed to look like and a commensurate willingness as an adult to indulge in physical looks some would deem... unusual. Her ability to impersonate and infiltrate was brought to the forefront after she successfully pretended to be a major hypercorp metacelebrity for over a week without anyone noticing, netting her a large amount of @-rep when her hoax was revealed... and a one-way ticket into life as a Firewall sentinel. Following her talent as a disguise professional, Kimiko also blossomed into an exceptional bodysculptor, renowned on the @-net for designing and creating artistic works designed to tweak the noses of bioconservatives. Currently, she travels among the scum swarm Pebble in the Sky, offering her services as a successful actress, body artist, and cosmetic professional to the inhabitants of the Front Row Seating, with no role or backstage effort too kinky or difficult for her to perform. She currently enjoys life with no fixed morphology due to extensive use of nanoware and bioware modifications.

Favors/social networking

NETWORK NAME Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 RANK USERS
The Circle-A List (@-Rep) OPEN USED at ~2 weeks (getting info on Danny Jim) OPEN OPEN USED at ~2 weeks (swapping morphs) Autonomists, anarchsts, Titanians, Barsoomians, extropians, scum, etc
CivicNet (c-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN hypercorps, Jovians, Lunars, Martians, Venusians, etc
EcoWave (e-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN nano-ecologists, preservationists, and reclaimers
Fame (f-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN socialites (also artists, glitterati, and media)
Guanxi (g-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN gangsters/criminals
The Eye (i-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN Firewall
Research Network Associates (r-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN researchers, Argonauts, scientists, technologists, academics, etc
ExploreNet (x-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN gatecrashers
Ultimates (U-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN Ultimates
other (???) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN ???

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