Barney. Aka "Y", "Greek", "Eve". Similar to the effects of MDMA or oxytocin, a user becomes more empathic. Provides +5 SAV for duration. However, the drug also makes user less inclined to behave in antisocial, exploitive, or competetive behavior. At GM's discretion, some social skills (Deception, Networking: Ultimates, etc) will *not* get the +5 bonus. Particularly "hostile" social tests (especially the Intimidation skill) will not only have the +5 negated, but recieve a -10 penalty. Use of violence on users' part can also be hindered: a WIL test may be required to, e.g., commit a random mugging. (However, e.g. using violence to defend a loved one while under the influence will be just as easy). [Low]

Ethanol. This organic solvent remains one of transhumanity's favorite substances. Ethanol is a very simply molecule, manufactured thousands of years before nanotech was even concieved of. [effectively free per 20 mL dose of pure ethanol--often higher as beer, wine, liquor, etc]

BarneyChem O 20 Minutes 8 hours -- Mental
EthanolChem O 1 Minute 1 hour -- Physical

Street drug, narcalgorithm, petal, etc, names. (I haven't thought up what these do--they just seem like they could be names of recreational drugs. Feel free to use them to name petals, etc, we encounter).

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