Name: Fatu Meaole

Age: 25

Gender ID: male

present morph: ruster (premium)

Motivations: -Hypercorps, +Family, +Gate Colonization

Favors/social networking

NETWORK NAME Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 RANK USERS
The Circle-A List (@-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN 35 Autonomists, anarchsts, Titanians, Barsoomians, extropians, scum, etc
CivicNet (c-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN 5 hypercorps, Jovians, Lunars, Martians, Venusians, etc
EcoWave (e-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN 0 nano-ecologists, preservationists, and reclaimers
Fame (f-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN 0 socialites (also artists, glitterati, and media)
Guanxi (g-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN 7 gangsters/criminals
The Eye (i-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN 0 Firewall
Research Network Associates (r-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN 5 researchers, Argonauts, scientists, technologists, academics, etc
ExploreNet (x-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN 0 gatecrashers
Ultimates (U-Rep) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN 0 Ultimates
other (???) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN ???


tl;dr: Redneck scavenger, mechanic, part-time hacker, survivalist.

Fatu was born to a large family of ethnic-Polynesians in an isolated religious community of a Mormon transhumanist sect. (TODO: region of Mars where the Mormons live?) He has eight siblings in total. His family held some strange beliefs, and indoctrinated the kids with their weird ideas (Trait: Faulty Education). The Fall came as he was a teenager, and the pace of life on Mars radically changed as the previous frontier world became transhumanity's new homeworld. A curious, rebellious, teenager, he was able to convince his muse to compromise the mesh filter. He trained himself in the essentials of infosec, to further get access to things like XP porn, and mesh forums for LGBT teens (he is bisexual, which is incredibly unremarkable in the world of AF10: however, his family retains a bit of latent bias due to being very religious, so he hesitates to come out).

Although he was/is somewhat of a country bumpkin, he has a fair amount of socialization: he was sent out, as a young man, to proslytize to all the newcomers. Five years ago, he knocked on yet another door (yes, actually physically visit people to proslytize, rather than doing it via the mesh). The young lady (TODO: name?) actually answered the door, and ended up having a friendly, if awkward chat. She became his first real girlfriend. She also led him off the religious path, and, even though their reliationship has since ended, he is a fairly lapsed Mormon: he is known to drink coffee, and even (gasp!) light beer. He is an agnostic, even. Nevertheless, he still retains a lot of the strange ideology he was raised with (Trait: Faulty Education).

Although he is something of a prodigal son to his still-mostly-religious family, he is quite loyal to them, still (+Family) In the decade since the Fall, he has seen his old Mormon friends, as well as other Rednecks (French-Algerian desert makers, for instance) bossed around by the new powers-that-be. Worst of all, a few years ago, his hometown (including the temple) was forcibly evacuated for a comet bombing by the PC's rapid-terraforming efforts. He is quite anti-hypercorp thus, and even has a reputation as a bit of a rabble-rouser (-Hypercorps).

Although he is no longer really religious, he still retains a lot of the old Mormon memes about expanding across the universe: the discovery of the Gates seem to mesh quite well with this meme, and he strongly supports exploration and colonization by the gates (although he is angry at how much the hypercorps dominate the gates). He has applied multiple times to the lottery for the Pandora Gate and Fissure Gate, but (obviously) has never won. (+Gate Colonization) In his free time, he is a bit of a gate crasher fanboy, and loves to follow the XPs of gate crashes.

As a kid, due to isolated mesh access, he would read Old Western novels (e.g. Louie LaMore) and watch Old Western movies (e.g. John Wayne). The Western, as a narrative, largely died out in the 20th Century, so his continued interest in this archaic narrative form makes him stranger, still. He also has a love of pre-Fall history. As many Mormons do, this extends to genology: he can trace his lineage back to Samoan royalty.

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